What is razor burn and what can you do about it?

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You probably know the drill. You get up with the idea of trading in that stubble of yours for some baby-soft shaved skin. You run your razor over your skin and rinse your face with cold water. After a while, you feel your skin begin to burn. When you touch your skin, you feel that there are a colony of tiny bumps on your skin. The mirror confirms your suspicion: razor burn.

What is razor burn?

Shaving burn (or in English "razor burn") is thus a temporary skin irritation that occurs after shaving. Your hair follicle becomes infected with a bacteria as a result of shaving. This infection causes an inflammation. This inflammation can be seen in, yes, the red bumps on your skin. The bumps can remain visible on your skin for up to two days. They can also grow into small blisters filled with pus. Sorry, we can't make it more appetizing than it is. Although it sounds a bit more intense than it is. Razor burn is harmless and often goes away quickly, but nice is different.

Who can get razor burn?

You would prefer to cover and hide the bacterial infection until the two days are over. However, this is not so easy for shaving men, as they get razor burn most often on their faces. Women don't have it easy either. They get razor burn from shaving their bikini line and armpits.

What are the causes of razor burn?

Razor burn often occurs when you use a dirty or blunt blade. That way, you irritate your skin and give inflammation a chance. In addition, you can get razor burn if you apply too much pressure, shave against the hair growth, or shave the same area too often. Razor burn is caused by ignorance in your shaving routine. Razor burn is easy to prevent, even if you have sensitive skin.

How can you prevent razor burn?

Prevention is better than cure. Basically, you just want to prevent bacteria, which we all naturally have on our skin, from getting into your hair follicle. The magic word in this is: hygiene. Apply a few simple tips to your shaving routine. This will not take a long time and will prevent a lot of hassle.

  • Never lend out your shaving tools! And of course don't borrow from anyone else either
  • Use a new or clean razor, make sure it is sharp
  • Wash your skin before shaving to kill bacteria
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth.
  • Clean your razor thoroughly after every shave.
  • Use a good aftershave or aftershave balm after shaving.
  • Only pat your face with a clean towel or washcloth.

So the most important word remains hygiene. Razor burn is not contagious like a cold, but it is contagious via your razor. If the person you lend your new shiny safety razor to has razor burn, you can be sure that you will have it too in no time. The bacteria is in the razor, making its way to your hair follicle. Don't want that.

How to treat razor burn?

If this blog has come too late for you because you already have razor burn, we won't forget you either.

Shaving burn can be treated with the right anti-shaving products, such as a good cream. This cream is made specifically for shaving burn and is available at pharmacies. You can also give your skin a conditioning boost with Argan Oil or Tea Tree Oil. This oil has a bactericidal, analgesic and itch relief effect. Is it really out of control now? Then we recommend giving your doctor a call anyway. If it is serious enough, he or she can give you a course of antibiotics. But beware, shaving burn is fortunately never really dangerous. Only very irritating.

If you still have questions? Please let us know. We would love to help you prevent or cure these irritating bumps.

Take care of your skin!

Your friends, The Alpha Men