Shaving the scalp requires a slightly different technique than removing your beard stubble. For one man, it doesn't have to be super smooth and trimming is sufficient. But if you want to get the head super smooth you can't escape taking a good razor in hand.
Most men use the well-known cartridge razor because that is what they are used to. But more and more men are discovering the quality of a traditional safety razor. After all, with this classic shaving instrument you can really smooth the scalp very comfortably.
By the way, we have put together a Head Shave Starter Kit for you to get started right away. More on that below!
Step 1: Trim
If you want a reasonably bald head, you can of course get started with a good trimmer. In the shortest position you already achieve a good result. Not super smooth but just very short stubble. Fine. A trimmer can also be useful to first remove your slightly too long head hairs before shaving them with the blade. Makes shaving just a little easier.
Step 2: Preshave
After a hot shower, we recommend using a good preshave to optimally prepare your scalp for shaving. A mild preshave ensures maximum shaving comfort when shaving your sensitive scalp.
This is because a quality pre shave contains ingredients that add an extra layer of protection to your skin. This softens but also allows the razor to glide more comfortably over your head and prevents shaving irritation.
Step 3: Shaving cream
When you are going to shave your head, you cannot do without the use of a good shaving cream. Just make yourself comfortable. You will find that when you get started with the right shaving cream or shaving soap you will immediately feel your razor glide through the butter like a warm knife.
This is because the natural oils and fats in these products give you a safe and comfortable shaving feeling. And that's what you want when you're taking care of the thin scalp with a sharp blade.
Step 4: Safety razor
If you are currently still using a disposable cartridge razor to shave your head but are curious about a next level shaving experience, we also recommend you start using a classic safety razor with a closed comb.
With a safety razor you have to learn a slightly different technique but once you get the hang of it you won't want to do anything else. It is not difficult. You can read all about it in our blog"How to use a safety razor".
Advantages of a safety razor:
- More comfortable: for men with sensitive scalps.
- Less shaving: 1 to 2 strokes over the scalp for a smooth result.
- Less irritation: less chance of razor burn and skin irritation than with a cartridge razor
- Smoother result: a much smoother shave than with a cartridge razor
- Cheaper : much more economical and durable than shaving with a disposable cartridge razor
Step 5: Aftercare
Once you have shaved the scalp smoothly, there is one final step you can take to soothe, moisturize and care for the skin. There are some excellent products like a good aftershave balm, argan oil and an SPF day cream for that.
Aftershave balm
For disinfecting and soothing the skin and helps soothe any shaving irritation. It moisturizes optimally and makes the scalp supple and it feels instantly soft. A good aftershave balm absorbs quickly and, as a rule, has a pleasantly gentle scent.
Argan oil
A rare and pure oil that moisturizes your just shaved scalp, nourishes with only natural ingredients and gives a pleasant soothing effect and comfortable feeling. Argan oil absorbs quickly and does not leave a shimmering layer of grease.
Day cream with SPF
It is important to use a day cream with high SPF. It protects your bald scalp from harmful UV rays and prevents aging of the skin. Also, the ingredients present provide perfect protection against air pollution and skin cancer. In addition, you can use an SPF day cream to nourish the skin with the necessary antioxidants and vitamins.
In short, if you are planning to really shave your head bald in a classic way for once, we have all the tools here for you to do it in a safe and comfortable way!
Good luck!
Your friends, The Alpha Men.