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Sunscreen for face

It is always important to take care of your body with sun care .... read more

It is always important to take care of your body with sun care . Your facial skin is even more sensitive and therefore deserves... read more

SeventyOne Percent
Sun Stick - SPF 50+



Sunscreen for face

It is always important to take care of your body with sun care . Your facial skin is even more sensitive and therefore deserves a different treatment. For your face it is therefore also advisable to use a special sunscreen for your face. This sunscreen will protect your face from harmful rays. When you properly protect your face from the sun, your skin will stay young for longer.


Why sunscreen for your face?

When you are outside, you almost always have clothes on. Your body is protected against the radiation of the sun by this layer of clothing. Whether it's summer or mid winter, the sun always shines. Many people are mistaken about this, but you can also burn yourself well in the winter. UV-A (the A for Aging) is available in every season. Not only outside, but also through car windows, the windows in your office and in your home.

Where your body is still protected by clothing, your facial skin is more likely to be exposed to the sun. That's why it's extra important to use a good sunscreen for your face. The sun is the biggest culprit when it comes to skin aging, so you definitely want to prevent this in your face.


Difference with a regular sunscreen

Regular sun care is of course always better than no sun care and will also prevent severe sunburn. However, a special sunscreen for your face has been specially developed for multiple purposes.


Doesn't clog your pores

Regular sunscreen is usually quite greasy and heavy, and tends to clog your pores. When your pores become clogged, pimples, blackheads and acne can be caused. Of course no one is waiting for this. That is why a sunscreen for your face is lighter and less greasy. They will also clog your pores less (or not at all).


No sunscreen in your eyes

Most people have experienced it; sunburn in your eyes. Often your sunscreen starts to run a bit because you sweat or have been swimming. In the end, such a sunburn often ends up in your eyes, which then start to sting and irritate. A sunscreen for your face has been specially developed to absorb quickly, so that the cream does not have a chance to run out.


Benefits of sunscreen for your face

A sunscreen for your face also brings many benefits!



In most sunscreens for your face you will find many formulas with different vitamins. Consider, for example, vitamin C, which has the nice feature of reducing sun damage by up to 60%! Vitamin E will reduce pigment spots. The added vitamins all have their own benefits. So win-win!


Can be used all year round

Sunscreen for your face can be used all year round! Using a greasy, heavy sunscreen won't make your skin happy and it can cause skin problems. A sunscreen for your face is very different and so it can get a permanent place in your facial care routine.


It absorbs faster than a normal sunscreen

A sunscreen for your face absorbs quickly. So you don't have to wait an hour for the cream to be absorbed.


Healthy skin

A normal sunscreen can cause pimples, acne or blackheads. A sunscreen for your face, on the other hand, is good for your skin! The mostly healthy ingredients will take care of your skin.


How to use sunscreen for your face

Always check the instructions for use of your sunscreen that you bring home. Every sunscreen and every brand can differ from each other. It is important to remember a few rules of thumb.

  1. Don't be stingy with the product! Feel your skin when you have used enough
  2. Lubricate your entire face (including eyebrows, etc.)
  3. Apply a new layer every few hours


Tips and tricks.