The ultimate hair care routine guide for men

De ultieme haarverzorging routine guide voor mannen

In general, we gentlemen are Pietjes precise with regard to the care of our hair. We used to be satisfied with a simple gel. Your hairstyle generally suffers a lot. External influences such as: sun (UV-A), sea (salt), chlorine (swimming pool), air pollution are killing.

A dilapidated climate control system at the office also wreaks havoc on your hair. And what about if you wear a helmet every day. When you take it off after a ride, one of those dead succulents vibrates on your head. So you want to protect your hairstyle as much as possible and keep it in shape.

Fortunately, there are more and more products to clean and nourish your hair (and scalp) with. Materials that increasingly consist of 100% natural, organic or vegan components. Profit: less to no impact on your health and the environment. Below we explain how to get and keep your hair in top shape.

How often should you wash your hair?

Washing your hair with shampoo every day is not the best way to maintain your hairstyle. Shampoo extracts the most essential fats present in your hair and follicles. Also, the scalp is not happy when a dot of shampoo is rubbed into it every day.

Of course, you are in the shower every day or perhaps you are in the bath. Then there is really no need to massage your hair with shampoo or conditioner every time. Especially not if you possess dry and brittle hair.

Your hairdresser can tell you exactly what type of hair you have and how best to deal with it. And of course you can feel and see it yourself when it is (gort) dry. But with (very) dry hair you should wash your hair with shampoo or conditioner no more than twice a week to avoid damaging it even more.

Summary: So wash your hair with a high quality soft and natural shampoo and/or conditioner no more than twice a week. This way you preserve the natural nutrients and oils necessary to keep hair healthy.

Is it better to use hot or lukewarm water to wash your hair with?

It is recommended that you wash your hair with lukewarm water as much as possible. If you wash your hair (too) often with hot water, damage occurs. It opens the hair cuticles, making the hair dull, dry and porous.

Hot water can also damage hair fibers and even restrict their growth. It is best to rinse the hair with cold(er) water so that the hair cuticles close. This will keep it shiny and healthy. For completeness, here are the disadvantages of washing with hot water:

  • Hair can become porous
  • Hair fibers will be damaged and as a result will grow less quickly or not at all.
  • By washing with hot water you lose essential natural oils that protect the hair and roots
  • Too hot water from the tap also risks scalp burns

So if you want to keep your hair in good shape and healthy, it is important to avoid hot water and only use lukewarm water. Your hair will thank you for it.

What is the best way to dry your hair?

Normally, using a dry towel is the most obvious. Air-drying is the best way to dry your hair. Do not start kneading, rubbing or exfoliating like a savage with the towel.

Note: Never go through wet hair with a comb or brush. This will damage them down to the fiber. You literally break them down with this. Apart from the fact that you run the great risk of pulling the hair out of the scalp with root and all.

Of course, there are some men who go to work with a blow dryer after patting their hair dry. You can. When the hair is towel dry. Do not point the hair dryer directly at wet hair because then a: you are doing it for a long time and b: you can seriously damage the hair. So pat dry.

Make sure you have the hair dryer on the lowest possible temperature setting. Too much heat can obviously damage the hair considerably. Preferably blow as cool as possible. Oh yeah, don't forget to mount the brush attachment on the head.

Last tip on blow-drying: before you get started with this, massage some argan oil into the hair, or use a good pre-styler. This forms a coating that protects your hair from the heat from a blow dryer.

What products are best to use for washing your hair?

Always try to use a natural gentle shampoo. With as little or preferably no chemical ingredients. Just to be sure, below we give you some examples of shampoos with ingredients you should definitely avoid:

  • Mineral oils (parafinum liquidum, mineral oil or petrolatum)
  • Silicones
  • Parabens
  • Perfume

Below are some of our natural shampoos with only the very best ingredients for safe and nourishing hair care.

Of course, this also applies to good conditioners. With these products, you can be sure that you are optimally cleansing your hair and applying the right nutrition so that the hairstyle looks healthy and shiny.

View Top 10 Shampoo
View Top 10 Conditioners

Tips: how do you keep your hair healthy?

First, let's start by working on the internal side of things. When you live a healthy lifestyle it shows in your hairstyle. Bad hairdays have to do with poor food consumption.

Too many E numbers and fatty foods do not lead to a healthy head of hair. Let alone good health. Smoking and (too much) alcohol also affect the state of your hairdo.

So make sure you drink enough water, about 1.5 liters a day and consume enough fruits and vegetables. You know the saying. At least 2 ounces of each! When you have a powerful shiny hairstyle, it often says something about your sleep regime as well. If you get at least 8 hours of sleep, this is reflected in the good condition of your hair.

What is the best way to style your hairstyle?

A little man uses premium pomade. Preferably homebrewed in small batches. Pomades and pastes come in a variety of designs and holds. Both water and oil based. We'll list a few for you in a moment. Unique products that not only style your hair but also nourish it to the root! This kind of natural craft brewed hairstyling is a bit different from the standard supermarket gels. You can feel and smell that!

Check out this article some homebrews and try one out.

Visit the Barber!

Of course, a visit to the barber and real treat for your hairstyle. A professional who makes sure the dead ends are cut out of your hair. These professionals will restore your hairstyle to its full potential. Be sure to go once every 4 to 5 weeks. You'll see it does your hair good.

Beer or top espresso with it. Done deal.

Anyway, we hope you've now become a lot wiser and will be grooming your hair like a true PRO from now on! Without compromise. Your hair deserves it!

Greetings from your friends,

The Alpha Men.