Beard brush

Bullfrog Beard Brush

Beard brush

What is a beard brush?

A beard brush is a special brush for your beard. In order to reach all beard hairs properly, there is a large amount of hair in the brush. Those hairs are quite concentrated and are in the base of the brush and attached to each other.

You can quickly and easily take care of your beard with it. Especially in combination with a good one beard oil this duo seems like a golden match. Buying a beard brush is therefore important for the look of your beard. But before you do this, read what you should pay attention to!


Why should you use a beard brush?

You may be wondering, “ Why use a beard brush ?” Well, a brush for your beard is an indispensable tool for your total beard care . There are a number of reasons why you should include a beard brush in your beard grooming routine.

  • It prevents an itchy beard and beard dandruff
  • Removes dirt, excess sebum and tangles
  • Ensures that beard oil and beard balm easily distributed through your beard
  • Models your beard and creates more volume
  • Stimulates your beard growth and softens your hair
  • Ensures good blood circulation in the hair follicles
  • Your beard looks clean and well-groomed


How do you use a beard brush?

Very simple: just brush! When you pay attention to the following things, brushing your beard is child's play. Of course, proceed with caution, it is of course about your beard.

When you brush your beard, it is important that your beard is dry. Otherwise, your hair may break. Wash your beard two or three times a week with only the best beard shampoo . By washing your beard regularly, you will also notice that brushing and styling is becoming easier.


Benefits of a beard brush

Helps against an itchy beard and beard dandruff

In the beginning of growing a beard, many men suffer from a itchy beard . This is because your skin's sebum production cannot keep up with your longer beard hairs. This causes your underlying skin to become dry and irritated. Over time, flakes appear: beard dandruff. A beard brush ensures that all sebum from your skin is distributed over your beard.

The brush for your beard also works as a scrub in this case. By brushing you remove the dead skin cells, so that the underlying skin can absorb the nutrients of an oil or balm much better.


Provides more volume and model in your beard

Brushing creates more texture and volume in your beard, making it appear fuller. Thanks to regular brushing, the hairs will also be less wild and you can easily style them.


Stimulates hair growth

By brushing your beard thoroughly, the hair follicles are stimulated considerably. The effect? This promotes your beard growth. Your beard hairs will grow faster, become thicker and break less quickly.

Tip: If you brush your beard hairs in the same direction every day, they will grow in that direction over time. Brushing ultimately ensures a tight, thick and full beard.


What is the difference between a beard brush and beard comb?

Some men always use a brush for the beard, but others prefer a beard comb. Both have different advantages and disadvantages. A brush is more intended to care for your beard and underlying skin. The beard comb is there to style your beard and remove tangles.

A comb is also very suitable when applying your beard oil to distribute this nourishing oil well by combing. If you have a beard of less than three months, it is recommended to use a beard brush. If your beard has been growing for more than three months, we also recommend using a beard comb.

A good one buy beard comb ? Check out our wide collection with the best brands.


How often do you use a beard brush?

well, when to use a beard brush ? Well, simple: as often as you want. In general, you have your beard brush in hand every day to remove any debris from your beard and to massage your underlying skin. In addition, you model your beard beautifully. So you can brush your beard every day.


How do you clean a beard brush?

Your beard brush naturally needs some attention and love. He has to endure a lot. Therefore, clean your brush once every 2 to 4 weeks. With the following steps he stays in top shape:

  1. Use your fingers or a beard comb to remove as much beard hair and other residue from between the bristles of your comb as possible. Be careful not to pull the bristles with it
  2. Wash your beard brush thoroughly with lukewarm water and your beard shampoo under the tap. Do not massage the hair with regular shampoo or other cleaning products
  3. Make sure you let the beard brush dry well with the bristles down on a tea towel.

It depends a bit on how often you use your beard brush, but if you clean the bristles properly every month, the bristles will stay in good shape and the performance of your beard brush will be guaranteed.


How long does a beard brush last?

This of course depends on the quality beard brush you use and how you handle it. Do you have a thick beard and do you use a beard brush with soft bristles? Then you won't enjoy it for long. Furthermore, there is not really a rule of thumb when you should replace a beard brush.

If you take good care of it, it can certainly last for years until it loses its bristles. Are you being too rough with it? Then he can be end of life in a few months. An older beard brush is more likely to harbor bacteria and other harmful microorganisms than a newer one. So the above procedure for cleaning is very important for its preservation.

In any case, make sure you purchase a high-quality beard brush. They are generally strong and can take a beating.


What are the different types of beard brushes?

Which brush for your beard you choose exactly is a personal choice. The material of which the hairs are made is important. A good quality beard brush consists of wild boar bristles. Although you now also have very good vegan beard brushes of high quality. The model is also important for ease of use. You can choose an oval brush, a round brush or a brush with a handle.


Military Palm Brush

An oval handy beard brush that keeps your beard in shape and removes loose hair and dandruff. The handle is usually made of wood and fits comfortably in your hand. The bristles of the brush often consist of boar bristles and are irregular in length. As a result, they know how to care for the beard even better. An oval brush feels very practical and gives you a lot of control.


Round Brush

A round brush is ideal for perfectly styling, curling or adding volume to your beard while blow-drying. The brush also helps to remove tangles and unclog clogged hair follicles.


Regular Brush

A beard brush with an elongated handle that allows you to brush your beard very comfortably and is suitable for almost any type of beard. A real all-rounder with which you can perfectly tame your longer wild beard every day. Of course you can easily distribute beard oil through your beard hair with this model.


Buy a good beard brush?

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Tips and tricks.