Almost every man encounters it once in his life. It is the most common problem on men's scalp. We're talking, of course, about dandruff. Very embarrassing for many men. Especially when wearing dark clothes. Although it does not seem very appetizing, it is quite harmless.
A big misconception about flaky scalp is that it would have to do with hygiene. The fact that someone suffers from dandruff basically says nothing about the hygiene of the hair or scalp. That it looks unsavory is something else. Fortunately, dandruff is one of the easiest conditions to treat as well as prevent. Let's start with where and how it occurs.
What is dandruff?
Dandruff is another word for dead skin cells. Now this doesn't sound very appetizing. However, it is a very natural process; our skin renews itself over and over again.
From the bottom of the skin dead skin cells are replaced by new healthy skin cells.This process takes about 2 to 3 weeks, but in people with dandruff this process is faster, causing excessive production of flakes of skin. This is what we call dandruff.
How do scalp flakes occur?
What causes this process to accelerate can vary. It may be genetic, or it may be related to eczema-like symptoms.
Seborrheic eczema is caused by a yeast naturally present in the skin. You can recognize this form of eczema by flaking at the eyebrows, for example. Stress can also affect this process, as can the weather, through differences of heat, cold, dryness and moisture, for example.
Scales on the scalp do not necessarily mean dandruff
Sometimes it looks like you have dandruff because you have flakes. This is not always instant dandruff or excessive production of new skin cells. It can also be the use of too many styling products, leaving a residue in the hair that causes flakes. Not rinsing out shampoo properly can also cause itching and flaking.
What can you do against dandruff?
Using an anti-dandruff product is, of course, step one. Here, make sure it is a product without (or with minimal amount of) silicones. An anti-dandruff shampoo or a soothing shampoo is recommended. These will not only reduce dandruff but also soothe the scalp.
Washing your hair every day is not good either. Too much stimulation of the scalp can actually cause more irritation and itching, which in turn causes more flakes. If you want to freshen up your hair, you can possibly use dry shampoo. In addition, we do not recommend drying or straightening your hair with a hair dryer. This is because heat dries out, which in turn aggravates the flakes. It is also advisable to rinse your hair thoroughly after washing it with lukewarm water, so that all styling and shampoo residue is rinsed out of the hair.
Is your scalp calm and flaky scalp under control? If so, do not continue to use the anti-dandruff shampoo daily. Switch to a shampoo that conditions the hair and scalp and possibly use the anti-dandruff shampoo once a week to keep the scalp calm. This is to prevent any return of dandruff on your scalp. Tended skin is well moisturized and therefore also less likely to be dry and itchy and therefore stay dandruff-free.
Is dandruff dangerous?
As a rule, dandruff is a fairly harmless condition that you get rid of quickly. In exceptional cases, however, it is helpful to check with your doctor. Stop by when you:
- By scratching an inflamed and very sensitive scalp
- Besides dandruff also suffer from hair loss
- Other places on your body also start to get flakes
- After a treatment you keep seeing no improvement
But again, in many cases don't panic! Matter of a good working anti-dandruff shampoo and you are ready again.
Our favorite anti-dandruff products
- Morris Motley - Anti-Dandruff Conditioning Shampoo
- Recipe for men - Anti-Dandruff Tonic
- Morris Motley - Anti-Dandruff Conditioning Shampoo
- Beviro - anti-dandruff shampoo
- Acca Kappa - Exfoliating Mask
If you are reading this article because you have dandruff, take a look at our assortment. There is always one that personally appeals to you! And if you still have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Your friends, The Alpha Men