Why every man should grow his beard at least once

Waarom elke man op zijn minst één keer zijn baard moet laten groeien

You may not have noticed yet but beards are a thing of the past. You can always abseil out of a chinook like a Marine with super smooth black painted cheeks. But make time for a cool beard. And no, it doesn't have to be Hubeus Hagrid. The way we like it, it can be groomed. An extension of er... The nicely developed EGO.

A beard can give you a more pronounced appearance. What baldness can do to men like Vin Diesel, Mark Strong or Jason Statham, chic coiffed facial hair can ensure that you get that sales job at Lamborghini.

Ladies, by and large, aren't averse to it either. That is, if you haven't left chunks of shoarma with garlic sauce from last weekend simmering in it. Or that madam just suddenly has to bite out a not quite burnt-out cigar. While the comforter has yet to land on the tender bodies.

baard laten groeien

What is the best way to grow your beard?

If all goes well, your beard hairs will grow naturally. For some, it goes a little faster than others. And in some places the beard hairs may grow a little faster than elsewhere on the face. Has to do with:

  • DNA
  • Genes,
  • Quality of beard hair
  • Present hair follicles
  • Any damage on or in the skin.

The above points are all important in whether or not to obtain a full beard. Or a B Unit with some flaws. But also: discipline and patience. Fortitude. Especially when the beginning beard begins to irritate. That's often the moment you think, what the hell, I'll scrape the blade over it again! See, that's how real men differ from Suske's.

If you want to have a full beard, it takes some time. On average about 3 months. But don't give in. Pure Feng Shui will take hold of your (beard). And on the way to your new tough "me" we can give you a hand. With pleasure!

The first 4 weeks of beard growth

Slowly but surely, a real shadow begins to emerge. The stubble has turned into some longer coarse hairs unfolding to the outside world. And usually down to the neck and toward the nape of the neck as well. Then it's time to take the razor in hand and shave a V from the Adam's apple to (just) below the jawline.

Especially the hair growth on the neck down to the bottom of the earlobes can start to irritate. In principle, you don't want beard growth there either so you can feel free to shave that away. In this way, you are already marking a clean line.

Some areas may have a little more hair growth than others so you might want to trim those with scissors or a beard trimmer.

Do you see some bald spots developing?

Don't worry. It is more the exception than the rule for every man to have a full grown thick beard. If you are in possession of Greek or Turkish blood, for example. Are Southern European in cut. Men from these areas are usually blessed with very dense facial hair. But also have more work to keep it older.

Should you see some gaps, just let it go. Once you grow more and more beard, the surrounding beard hairs will overgrow the somewhat lesser areas so that soon you won't see it. Unless you're dealing with illegitimacy in the hair follicles, have too few hair follicles or your DNA is against you.

Even then, you can still grow a fine beard. Imperfection can actually be very attractive. But does it bother you? Check out our article "What to do about bald spots in your beard" .

Beard oil for the novice beard? NICE!

Especially in the first period when you are giving your beard a go, it may be itchy or irritating. This is mainly due to the short coarse hairs that itch against your face. This also makes you sit on it more and more often.

Once you start scratching you don't stop. Perhaps so maddening that you think of a fluky amputation. It's not that bad with defying your baby beard. But, fair is fair, it can be annoying.

What helps is good beard oil. Beard oil actually helps moisturize and soften the beard hairs and underlying skin. Not only that but it also nourishes the hair sublimely. So should you still find the oil a bit too oily, the beard is still short after all, you can also use a fine beard balm.

Of course, a good beard shampoo is also very important. It cleans the hair and skin so that any irregularities that might cause problems are removed. Here are some excellent products to start taking care of your beard:

Can you already use a beard comb or brush?

Yep. Basically, once the beard has reached maturity, a good beard brush will do the trick. You can opt for a synthetic beard brush or boar hair beard brush. Of course, you can also start using a trimmer. It also depends a bit on how long you want your beard to be. Again, that depends on the type of head you have. For some, a mid-length beard looks better than a relatively short model. A beard can completely change your entire appearance.

Tip: It's also best to make an appointment with your barber. He can tell you exactly what type of beard will fit the shape of your head!

A beard offers protection!

Besides the stylish aspect, a beard offers phenomenal facial protection. Just as it was actually meant to in the old days. Even before the days of the wooden guilder, hair on the face, and all over the body, was a necessity to protect yourself from all the elements of nature. Heat & Cold. Tigers & hippos! Now we are luxury dolls and a beard is purely a way of living. Optical beautification. Fur sang.

Tips to promote good beard growth

A beard is part of the body. Our system. The hairs are in hair follicles: follicles. These do not benefit from a poor lifestyle. This is the same as for the hairs on head. If you don't have things in order internally you will lose all the necessary hair faster. Here are a few OPEN DOORS:

  • Avoid stress
  • Moderate with alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Add extra supplements if necessary

Of course, you will go through this route and in no time you will be the owner of a carefully cultivated magnificent beard. Which you will never want to lose. Hence the title of this article! You MUST follow through once to have a real beard developed.

It can give you just a little more edge. Crunch. Punch! Plus, you can take perfect care of your addition with all the necessary tools we have ready for you. From artisan beard oil to the best beard balm. From beard paint to the best beard brushes and beard combs.

A fancy beard. It stays on you. Like a tattoo.

Check out our webshop for superior products to help you through that first period. Remember: many have gone before you.